March 1, 2025

What a fight!


Boxers were ready. The cameras were ready. The house was ready. People were cheering and supporting for their players. Both players were determined to win. Who is going to win, the home team or visitors?  The prize was high. It was lucrative. All we needed to see was some action. Each boxer was waiting for their time to punch. 
After some warm up, punches were thrown. They were ugly. They did not follow the rules. They just punched at the free style. The boxing match was cancelled. Nobody won. 

Did this match look like this? 

February 23, 2025

नेपालको अचेल

 अचेल मालपोत र यातायात कार्यालयमा नजान कर्मचारीहरुबीच लडाइँ हुने गरेको छ । घरजग्गा, गाडीको किनबेचमा मात्र मन्दी आएको छैन । व्यापार व्यवसाय ठप्पै भएको छ । उपत्यकासहित देशभर सटर, कोठा र फ्ल्याट खाली हुने क्रम बढेको छ । बजार सुनसान छ । अहिले दुई ठाउँमा मात्रै मानिसहरुको भीड देखिन्छ । एउटा राहदानी बनाउने ठाउँ, अर्को एयरपोर्ट । युवाहरु विदेशिरहेका छन् । गाउँदेखि शहरसम्म बूढापाका र बालबच्चा मात्रै छन् । देशमै बस्न चाहे पनि एकातिर रोजगारी छैन, अर्कोतिर काम पाए पनि तलब दिइँदैन । यसले देशका युवाहरु बाध्य भएर विदेश पलायन भइरहेका छन् । त्यसो त तिनै युवाहरुले पठाइरहेको रेमिट्यान्सले देशको अर्थतन्त्र धानिरहेको छ ।

सरकारमा बसेकाहरुलाई आफ्नो कुर्सीको मात्र चिन्ता छ ।  सत्तामा बस्न पाइन्छ कि पाइँदैन ? भ्रष्टाचार गर्न पाइन्छ कि पाइँदैन ? सरकारी ढुकुटीमा मोज गर्न पाइन्छ कि पाइँदैन ? सरकारी, सार्वजनिक जग्गा आफ्ना कार्यकर्तालाई बाँड्न पाइन्छ कि पाइँदैन ? 

नेपालको अचेल येस्तै छ !

February 6, 2025

क्रिप्टोको ठगी - Crypto Scam


करेन्सी कारोबारमा संलग्न एक गिरोहलाई प्रहरी पक्राउ गरेको छ। नेपालमा गैरकानुनी रहेको क्रिप्टो कारोबार तथा अनलाइन  ठगी गरेको गरेको कसुरमा प्रहरीले काठमाडौंका विभिन्न स्थानबाट  सात जनालाई पक्राउ गरेको हो। यो समूहले हालसम्म अभौतिक मुद्राको कारोबार गरेर तीन अर्बभन्दा बढी रकम ठगी गरेको पाइएको छ। यो रकम डिजिटल फरेन्सिक रिपोर्टको विवरणबाट प्राप्त भएको  थियो। विभिन्न बैंक तथा डिजिटल वालेट प्रयोगकर्ताहरूलाई समूहले झुक्याएर बैंक तथा वालेटहरूको आधिकारिक व्यक्ति भन्ने गरेको थियो।  प्रयोगकर्ताको ओटिपी/पिन माग गरेर अनाधिकृत रुपमा बैंक तथा वालेटहरूमा यो समूहले पहुँच पुर्‍याउँथ्यो। यो समूहले सोसल मिडिया ह्वाट्सएप, टेलिग्राम, फेसबुकहरूमा अनलाइन जब पाइने भन्दै ‘घरमै बसेर धेरै कमाउने सकिने’ भनी विज्ञापन गर्ने गरेको थियो।

केही महिना अघि सिङ्गापुरका 20 वर्षको एक व्यक्तिले ३० मिलियन अमेरिकी डलर क्रिप्टोकरेन्सी चोरेको आरोपमा अमेरिका को मायामी समातिएको थियो । रुजा इग्नाटोभा, बुल्गेरियामा जन्मेकी जर्मन व्यवसायी महिला 4 बिलियन यूरोको बिटक्वाइनको सबैभन्दा ठूलो घोटाला गर्ने व्यक्ति हुन्।

January 10, 2025

Friends of Nepal and former US president Jimmy Carter laid to rest in Plains, Georgia


Former US President and Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Jimmy Carter passed away at his home in Plains, Georgia, on Sunday (local time) at the age of 100 in December 29. He was laid to rest in his home town after his body was brought to U.S Capital Rotunda this week. He was buried to his beloved wife of 77 years, Rosalynn Carter per his wish.

Carter leaves profound and enduring legacy in Nepal's journey from conflict to peace. He played an important role in facilitating the end of the decade-long armed conflict and helping the integration of Maoist Rebels into mainstream politics. He co-founded The Carter Center with his wife which facilitated dialogue and monitored Nepal's transition from monarchy to federal democratic governance. His work helped Maoist guerilla to delist from the terrorist list. He also introduced The Camp David Accords and signed with Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin in September 1978 and established a framework for a historic peace treaty concluded between Israel and Egypt in March 1979.

After leaving the White House, he earned a reputation as a committed humanitarian. He was widely seen as a better former president than he was a president. He announced in 2015 he would build 100 homes in Gairigaun, Chitwan as a part of Habitat for Humanity. However, due to a massive earthquake in Nepal, he had to cancel the plan due to resource constraints. Habitat for Humanity has helped build or improve more than 39 million homes since its founding in 1976 and helped 13.4 million people build or improve homes in 70 countries. It relies in volunteers to build new homes and repairs existing homes.

December 23, 2024

कस्ले जित्छ ?

खरायो र कछुवाको दौड यो कथा हामीले धेरै पटक सुनेका छौं। खरायो उफ्रिन्छ र छिटो दौडन्छ। तर कछुवा, यो एक ढिलो चल्ने जनावर हो, लगभग एक चिप्लेकिरा  जस्तै। तर कथामा कछुवाले दौड जित्छ। र कथाको नैतिकता निरन्तरताको मिहिनेतले  सफल भैइन्छ भनेको छ   । तर वास्तविक जीवनमा यस्तो हुन्छ त ? खरायो र कछुवा बीचको वास्तविक दौड।

यहाँ भिडियो प्रमाण छ, ल हेर्नुस कछुवाले दौड जित्छ।