May 19, 2023

चरा हो कि माछा : A Fish or a bird?

यो चरा हो कि माछा , Is this a fish or a bird? : It is a American Dipper !

The American Dipper, scientifically known as Cinclus mexicanus, is a unique and remarkable bird found in the western parts of North America. Here are some key characteristics and facts about the American Dipper:

  1. Appearance: The American Dipper is a medium-sized songbird, measuring about 5.5 to 7.1 inches (14-18 cm) in length. It has a plump body with a short tail and short wings. The bird's feathers are mostly dark gray or brown, providing camouflage against its rocky habitat. It has a white eyelid that stands out and contrasts with its dark plumage.

  2. Habitat: American Dippers are known for their affinity to fast-flowing mountain streams, rivers, and waterfalls in the western parts of North America. They are primarily found in regions such as Alaska, western Canada, and the Rocky Mountains of the United States, including California, Oregon, and Colorado. These birds are well adapted to their aquatic habitat.

गाउँखाने कथा ५७ (#Nepali #Gaukhane #Katha)

 सप्ताहान्तको समय पारेर नेपालीलाई मनपर्ने गाउँखाने कथा(Gau Khane Katha) लिएर हाँजिर भएको छ।

सानी सानी गोरी नानी, म्वाई  खादा चिचाउने   बानि , के  हो? 

यो गाउँखाने कथाको उत्तर पत्ता लगाएर गाऊँ माग्नुहोला। उत्तर जान्न गाह्रो परे अनुमान लगाएर भए पनि रमाईलो लिनुहोला। नेपाली भाषा र सामाजिक जीवनको मौलिकपन झल्काउने अन्य रमाइला सामग्री भए , प्रस्तुत गर्नुहोला।

May 17, 2023

The modern woman cannot be treated as a baby making machine!

 Lower birth rates and falling fertility is a worldwide phenomenon. In Europe, France had the highest birth rate; the southern European countries – like Italy, Portugal and Spain – the lowest. South Korea, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong are all very worried about population decline.

We can see clearly, looking at the figures, that in countries where women are responsible for most of the childcare and domestic work, then the less willing they are to have children. In Japan, many women are flat out refusing traditional roles. In Italy, where many men go back to their mother’s house to eat, women rarely have more than one child. Partners become an added burdensome awkward responsibility. Why would women want even more? In countries like Norway and

नेपालमा सियो पनि बन्दैन ?

 नेपालमा सियो पनि बन्दैन भनेर सुन्दा सुन्दा वाक्क भएका यी कानले अब नेपालमा मोटर साइकल बन्छ भनेर सुन्द्दा कान न्यानो भएको अवस्था!

Yatri is the first Nepalese EV brand that was founded in 2017. This electric motorcycles are designed, engineered and assembled in Nepal.  

The company is planning to manufacture completely in upcoming days. This Kathmandu based startup aims to reinvent urban mobility keeping both style and performance in mind.

May 15, 2023

Why Pokhara International Airport has no international flight?


Pokhara International Airport was inaugurated on January 1.  However, international flights have not been operated from that airport six months after the inauguration.

Ministry of Aviation is saying it has been taking initiative for starting the international flights from Pokhara. Describing Pokhara as an outstanding destination and a tourism industry, it has said it is positive towards resolving the problems seen in the tourism sector. 

Pokhara tourism businesses are eagerly waiting to see international flight taken from Pokhara. However there is a rumor not only this year there will be no international flight, this airport may not seen a single international airport due to India and China relation, China being the major contractor of the airport and India being the majority of the airline route to have international flight. 

What do you think when an international flight will be happening from Pokhara?

May 12, 2023

What is crypto currency?

 Cryptocurrency refers to digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security. Bitcoin and Etherum are the crypto which has higher value but there there are other crypto currency such as Dodge coin, XRP, Tether, Solana, etc. It is a form of decentralized digital money that operates independently of a central bank and is based on a technology called blockchain.

Here are some key features of cryptocurrencies:

  1. Decentralization: Cryptocurrencies are typically decentralized systems that operate on a distributed network of computers, known as nodes. This means that no single entity or authority has complete control over the currency.

  2. Cryptography: Cryptocurrencies use cryptographic techniques to secure transactions and control the creation of new units. Cryptography ensures the integrity and security of the currency by encrypting transaction data.

  3. Blockchain Technology: Most cryptocurrencies are built on blockchain technology, which is a distributed ledger that records all transactions across multiple computers. The blockchain serves as a transparent and immutable record of all cryptocurrency transactions.

  4. Limited Supply: Many cryptocurrencies have a limited supply, meaning there is a maximum number of coins or tokens that can ever exist. For example, Bitcoin has a cap of 21 million coins, which makes it a deflationary currency.