Dear Friends,

The Indian action is just came in front after we promulgated
our long awaited constitution from the constitution assembly with the vote of
91 percent members. It is really historic, nowhere in the world the
constitution was promulgated with such a big vote from people’s representative.
Being a neighbor, India was expected first to welcome our decision, but there is
opposite. Due to the current unrighteous action, taking account of purely
internal matter, almost all Nepalese are facing difficulties, so many
industries are about to close, so many schools, colleges, hospitals are facing
problems, so many public service centers are facing complications, so many
child and women are suffering. Being
born to smile, Nepalese people are still smiling and facing the challenges as
well as giving strength to the government not to back from the decision of more
than 90 percent people’s representative.
In our history, we never doubted the largest democratic
country, our closest neighbor, member of our own family and never expected such
an inhumane action. Probably our mistakes were, we always respected & valued
the Indian culture, believed its philosophical base, supported the Indian
position & felt proud of its economic emergence as regional power center. Beyond
the formal diplomatic relation, we are connected by informal, heart to heart,
cultural & blood relation, we were one before few millennia. Respecting our
multidimensional relations, we made our tongue resemble to the Indian tongue; we
made our taste resemble to Indian taste, we made our sentiment resemble to
Indian sentiment, we made our art of living resemble to Indian way of living. Respecting
our long and sentimental resemblance, we never gave the importance of trade
route on our northern border, and now we come to conclusion that we did a
mistake, that was the greatest mistake.
Dear intellectuals, the value of freedom is same for all, no
matter a small country or big; no matter a poor country or rich; no matter a
famine country or resourceful. We should respect each other, give importance to
one another culture and extend the global fraternity because every tiny action
ultimately align to the humanity.
In each country, there are numerous internal issues and only
that particular country is responsible to settle down its own. In extreme case,
if a country asks for international support, then only the other country can
extend its interest at the cost of humanity. A sovereign country should not
establish a special relation to a particular community of another sovereign
country, instead it should be a country to another country as a whole. It’s a surprising that why India, being such a
big & democratic country, interfering the purely internal matter of our
country and coming to the extreme inhumane action of blockade.
The current world is highly interconnected, even a big &
rich country should depend upon the small & underdeveloped country. In such
a reality, think of the interconnection of landlocked countries and its
dependencies of the trade route with the neighbors. We all know the petroleum
products and cooking gas are the basic needs around the world, even India is
rely on the other importer as petroleum products are not its original products.
What a shame! Being such an emerging country to block such basic goods to
neighboring landlocked country without a major issue.
Dear Friends, our sovereignty & freedom are more valuable
than our blood, it is even a pride of south Asia. Even the British Empire who
almost conquered the world, tried to peril our sovereignty many times but
failed. We respect our people’s aspiration and can solve our problem ourselves.
Please convey our message to your leaders, bureaucrats, diplomats and all other
stakeholders that Nepalese people are ready to face any imposed calamities but
never surrender to risk their sovereignty. Your diplomacy is failing in Nepal.
Anti-Indian sentiment is spreading in an unprecedented scale and the world is
seeing after your mentality probably you acquired from British Empire.
As the citizen of interconnected world, we should practice to
respect neighbors, value the humanity, and expand the global fraternity and
most importantly the human right of free living & movement. Why Indian intellectuals
are silent in such a crucial time? Why the Indian people, educated from a broad
and a holy tradition, are silent on such extreme time? Why the Indian Saints,
who are educating love, fraternity & human values around the world, are
silent in such situation? Why not you pressure your government to follow the
international treaty of trade route and protect the right of landlocked
country? Our people fought for your freedom, for your security, for your
prosperity and for your identity. In return you paid with dominance, blockade
and threat our right to self-decision. You are the descendent of holy masters
of oldest human philosophy, you are the grandson, daughter of many enlightened
Gurus, and you are the true student & follower of Mahatma Gandhi. Oh! Why
you are still silent dear Indian people? How your country can be a permanent member of
UN Security Council with such a tiny mentality? Still why Indian intellectuals are silent, my
dear friends?
From the commoners, we can’t see the further deterioration of
situation and further defamation of Indian foreign policy, we are only the
country being happy from our core with Indian emergence, and we are only the
country to value Indian interest in international arena because we are long
connected from the heart. So, let your real politician decide the relationship
with Nepal, Let your culturist and sociologist suggest the relationship with
Nepal, let your enlightened masters advise the relationship with Nepal but
strictly, let not your gang of over smart bureaucrats and intelligence dominate & play with our
long, holy and people to people relation as our relation is not mentioned in any
laws and policies, it is even can’t be rationalized from our general
understanding but surely, it is built-in in our heart.
You are the only people who can stop the further
humiliation of millions of Nepalese, and millions of Indian Nepalese residing
in India.
Expecting your serious interest and role.
Thanking you.
Chandra Panthy,
September-30, 2015
We always see India pushing us aside. Rather than dealing with them in intellectual way, we just play side game. To topple Panchyat, we piggy ride on the, to bring ganantra, we piggy ride on them. I am not sure why but this time Tarai parties are doing piggy riding. And we the Nepali people are suffering.
I heard that Nepalese politicians are bought out. And you folks are still complaining?
A total BS.
This is Nepalese people's problem. You are the people fighting each other and stopping Indian vehicles delivering supplies. Its unbelievable that you think India is the one who is the source of the problem. Really?
Sir, Ibeg to differ. the Indian vehicles are all lined up on the Indian border. But, the problem is with the south and south west nepal through which these vehicles have to go through and blockade is happening there inside your country. please dont peddle lies.
Anonymous, would be nice to know your name. On Sunday, 110 Nepalese tankers went to India to fill the oil. IOC said only 10% will be distributed. So who is the manager of the blockade, please identify. Again this is just one example.
Good article
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