February 24, 2009

Year 2050

हुन त आजकाल जाडो छ, तर जब देखी पृथ्वीको तापक्रम अधिकारिक रुपमा नाप्न थालियो (१८५० देखी जस्तो लाग्छ), त्यसलाई नियाल्दा पृथ्वी को तापक्रम समय संगै बद्ढै गएको भने पक्कै हो । यसै सन्दर्भमा मैले अप्रिल २००७ मा एउटा लेख पोस्ट गरेको थिए मेरो पर्सनल ब्ल्गमा (www.kamaladi.com), आज तेही पस्किंदै छु । लेख अंग्रेजीमा छ, नेपालीमा उल्था गर्न समय र जांगरले साथ दिएन, त्यसका लागि क्षामाप्रर्थी छु ।

यो लेख काल्पनिक हो, मैले यसै होला भनेर ठोकुवा गरेको हैन । Title बाट अंदाज गरी सक्नु भयो होला, कथा सन २०५० को परिकल्पना हो ।

I am sipping Marfa (Apple Brandy) while sitting in my rocking chair, facing towards the ‘Ganesh Himal’ (mountain) in Dhulikhel (town in Nepal, about 15,00 m high from mean sea level). I always wanted to spend my retired life in Dhulikhel, so I am very happy to be here despite my several other shortcomings. My wife brings a chair near me, and starts knitting a sweater for me, a sweater that I’m unsure if I ever will get a chance to wear.

“Things have really changed” says my wife, I look at her and give my silent nod and we both stare at Ganesh Himal. The same Ganesh Himal that we both had seen together during our high school days at Kathmandu University. But it’s so different now, all the snow has been melted from the peak and it’s simply an ugly looking rock hill.

I remember last weekend, I wanted to visit my ancient home at Putalisadak (a street in Kathmandu). My wife, understanding my emotional attachments didn’t deny me in going despite the risk and my age, so I drove till Sanga (the highest point after which it’s all downhill to Kathmandu Valley). From Sanga I took a private boat and set off towards where Putalisadak used to be, I had the coordinates of my home so navigating with a hand held GPS unit helped a lot. Biggest threat was bumping into Telecom Towers, which sometimes can tear your boat apart. For a moment I felt like I am in Venice, people from 8th floor of the house were taking boat directly to their work, below that every thing is submerged. The global warming has melted all the mountains and the glaciers, Kathmandu now looks like what it used to be centuries ago, a big lake before Manjushree made the river outlet in Chovar (place near Kirtipur) to drain it (a folklore). I saw the peak of ‘Dharahara’, tallest tower in Kathmandu, so I knew I am closing in. Finally I got to my destination, too bad my house was not tall enough to be seen. As I stood in my boat, all the memories of my childhood comes pouring into my eyes.

My son has started a shipping company, he supplies food and resources from highlands to submerged areas, and he is really doing well. Last year when we got together for Dashain (major Nepalese festival), he was telling me that he will expand his business and make it multinational. With complete submergence of Bangladesh, ships from submerged Terai (Southern low land of Nepal) can directly go to Europe and America. He is bound to succeed, no wonder he used to love Kevin Costner movie ‘Water World’. I don’t really get to see my grandchildren; they are in some boarding school ship in Pacific Ocean. Sometimes I even compare my life with a song by Ugly Kid Joe: Cats in a cradle. I and my wife kill our time teaching in local school; it’s really amazing to see the faces of kids when we tell them how things were before.

It’s not that it is hot all the time; the weather has become so unpredictable that you never know what it will be like the next day. I was reading the news other day; ‘Northface’ filed for bankruptcy as there were zero demands for winter clothes. Couple of years ago, during all summer it had winter’s temperature, absolutely freezing, Lake Kathmandu was all frozen. I couldn’t even take my boat to visit my old house; however there was huge sale for summer clothes.

I remember the movie ‘Titanic’ where an old couple just hold each other in the bed when the ship was sinking, helpless. I think I am in that situation now, unknown to what’s in store for me tomorrow. As I lay down in my bed, clasping my wife’s hand, I begin to think of all the things that I could have done to avoid this:
• Shouldn’t have forced my dad to buy me a new Pulsar Bike because it had more power than my fuel efficient Hero Honda.

• Shouldn’t have bought a six cylinder car, simply because it had more power.

• Should have car pooled with my roommates when all four of us were going to same school, but liked to take our vehicle individually.

• Should have collected all the plastics that come in with my groceries and taken it to recycling center rather than dumping it to the trash.

• Should have used less heat and air conditioning.

• Should have put more energy efficient bulbs at my home

• Should have used my expertise in practice rather than in producing research reports.

• …………………………………………..and so on………………………


ठरकि दादा said...

Well narrated piece of Science Fiction. Though I enjoyed reading this post, but I do hope that things won't turn that much worse in 2050....

Anonymous said...

Hey! You have been influenced by english novels.Anyway,it is very intresting to read.

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