January 18, 2009

Buddha was born in NEPAL not in INDIA

We have our country name given by our forefather not by any Imperialist. We are proud that we never lost a war, no body ruled us. We were born independent. So we don't need any independence day. Nepal was never a colony and never going to be. However we are bullied by giant countries from time to time in various issues.

We may be poor but not ignorant. This time again one of an Indian entrepreneur Warner Bros India has stated Buddha was born in India. If you have watched this movie clip from recently released Bollywood movie Chandni Chowk to China (चाँदनी चौक टू चाईना : چاندنی چوت ٹو لندچوس) , it has shown Buddha was born in India. Whether it was cleverly presented by showing word India and Indian flag instead of pronouncing the word India but the movie has clear message "Buddha was born in India". Persons who have gone through the history know well, Buddha was born in 560 BC in Lumbini Nepal. How come the biggest budget movie of the 2009 in India has such a poor knowledge of history. Seriously this movie team need History-101 class. Or Warner Bros need to take a trip to Lumbini, Nepal and find the fact and next produce a movie name " Buddha was born in Nepal". I would be glad if somebody could bring Warner Bros attention and change the theme. Still you need an apology to Nepalese people.

I just tried to search in Google how internet has teached people. In Google, I typed "Buddha was born in..." after that default word "India" came with 1840,000 results but the word "Nepal" has zero result. Still entire plant has wrong information. We may be developing nation but we need to educate the world by letting them know "Buddha was born in Nepal".


Prabesh said...

मलाई त फिल्मले त्यस्तो भनेको जस्तो लागेन । मैले नबुझेको हो कि ? reincarnation चैँ भारतमा भएको भनेजस्तो बुझेँ मैले त !!

Anonymous said...

उजेली जी मुभीमा reincarnation को कुरो त गरेको छ तर क्लीप समय १:१५ मे हेरौं त त्यसमा भनिएको छ, "जिस देशमे भगवान बुद्दका जनम हुवा था" र "इन्डिया" शव्द देखाइन्छ। यो मुभी बनाउनेको चलाखी या स्टाइल तर मेसेज चाही बुद्द इन्डियामा जन्मेका हुन बनेर देखाइएको छ।
त्यो बाहेक गुगलमै नि Buddha was born in भनेर टाइप गर्दा इन्डिया नै देखउंछ।

Prabesh said...

हो रहेछ !! धेरै धन्यवाद जानकारीका लागि ! मैले पहिला ख्‍याल गरेको रहेनछु । अगाडिको मात्रै हो जस्तो लागेको थियो ।

Anonymous said...

i am very happy Nepalian u r also worried about it as much as me.i just watched the movie yesterday and i was shocked with the line.it clearly says that, ''....india where Lord Buddha was born''.i was really annoyed.how can they tell lie! whoever he is,is a LIER and it wont be good for his entire life as he lied about Lord Buddha whom the world respects as the God of Peace and TRUTH.Whether he knows the fact about the birthplace of Buddha or not,he has committed an offence by giving WRONG INFORMATION to the public.Action should be taken against him and to the Indian government who oftenly tries to prove the same thing by diferent method.I am from Lumbini Zone and Lumbini is not so far from my residence and i respect Lord Buddha since childhood so this type of behaviour by the little knowledged,lier and fraud people hurts me a lot.
i was searching in youtube about what the world thinks and fortunately i found your video about the matter but i dont know why it was already removed.anyway we Nepalese need to be careful,and walk in unity always then nobody can think of marching against our nationality,pride,unity,thuth and our independence.

archana said...

जब बुद्ध ६२४ बि सि मा जन्मे तत्कालिन अवस्थामा लुम्बिनी उत्तर भारतमा पर्थ्यो। अब त्यो मुभिमा कुन परिस्थितीमा त्यस्तो देखायो त्यो त पुरै हेर्नु पर्छ तर आज आएर दार्जेलिङ, देहेरादुन, सिक्किम सबै नेपालको भनेर नेपाली फिल्ममा देखौन मिल्छ र??
एदी त्यो एतिहासिक फिलिम हो सबै ईतिहास देखाएको छ भने ल है पहिला एस्तो थियो अहिले यस्तो भयो भन्नु।
हुन त अष्ट्रेलिया त हमारा हे। हम्ने बनाया हे भन्ने राम्रा जती सबै हाम्रा भन्ने बिचार् धारा लिएका ईण्डियन लाई के भन्नु खै?

Anonymous said...

अर्चना जि !
मैले पनि त्यो सिनेमा अहिले सम्म नहेरेकी ले कमेन्ट लेख्नै सकेकी थिएन ।
अब त्यो उती बेलाको ईतिहास भनेर देखाउन खोजेको हो भने त साच्चै त्यस अवस्थामा हाम्रो केही लाग्दइन किनकी ईतिहास भनेको ईतिहास नै हो । अब ईतिहास पल्टाउदै जा दा महा भारत खन्डे भनेर हामीले पढे कै हौ । भारत को ईतिहास पुरानो छ ।
अब अहिले को सन्दर्भ गाजेर बनाएको रहेछ भने चाँही कुनियत सम्झनु पर्छ ।
भारत को राजनीति त नेपाल प्रती सधैं कुनियत नै छ यो घाम जत्ती कै छर्लङ छ । के छर्लङ मात्रा भन्नु र ! भोगिरहेकै छौ ।
अन्याय भोग्ने हरु को चिन्ता उर्जामा ब द लिदो रहेछ । उर्जामा एकता भो भने यि बिस्तार बादी को कुनियत ढाल्न सकिन्छ । ' झिजा को एकतामा मुढा बल्छ ' ।
नेपालीयन जि लाई हिर्दय देखी नै धन्यवाद यसरी सम्बेदनशील कुरामा कलम चलाऊनु भएकोमा ।
नेपाल प्रती को हेपाहा प्रबित्ती को बिरुद्द मा सबै नेपाली को आत्मा एक हुँदै जाबोस ! प्रार्थना भगवान सँग ।

Basanta said...

हामी आफैंले एउटा सशक्त प्रचारबाजी नचलाऊञ्जेल भारतले आफनो हात माथि पारिरहनु त स्वाभाविक हो। त्यसकारण सबैभन्दा पहिला यो कमजोरीलाई ब्यक्तिगत तहबाटै सुधारौं र सम्भव भएसम्म बुद्ध जन्मभूमिको वास्तविकतालाई आफूले भेटजति विदेशीसंग प्रष्ट पारौं। साथमा सामूहिक र सरकारी स्तरबाटै पनि एउटा प्रभावकारी प्रचार आवश्यक छ।

ठरकि दादा said...

यो संबेदनशिल बिषयलाई आ-आफ्नो स्तरबाट यसरी नै उठाउनु पर्छ र यस्कोलागी नेपालीयन जीलाई धन्यवाद ।

बाँकी कुरा मलाई लाग्छ भारतीयहरु अर्चना जीले भने जस्तै अहिलेसम्म ईतिहासको ह्याङ ओबरमा छन। साथै बसन्तजीको कुरा पनि एकदमै मनन योग्य लाग्यो ।

भारतीयहरु हिटलरको "सय पटक बोले पछि झूठ पनि सहि हुन्छ भन्ने" बिचारबाट प्रेरित छन । अनि जुन बजारमा नक्कली पैसा चल्छ त्यो बजारमा सक्कली पैसावालाहरु भने हच्केर बस्ने हैन । सक्कली पैसा हुनेले आफ्नो सक्कली पैसा देखाउनै पर्छ नक्कली नोटलाई हटाउन र जाली साबित गर्न ।

Aakar said...

Warner Bros. movie "Chadani Chowk 2 China" says Buddha was born in India...then, don't burn our own cinema hall.. bcoz world know the reality,buddha was born in Nepal not in India....
it's only a waste of time, to talk about it....

Jaya Nepal !

Aakar said...

अनि अर्को कुरा, नेपाली को आवाज उठान गरिएको नेपाली डकुमेन्ट्री मुभी, "ग्रेटर नेपाल", नेपाल सरकारले अस्ति सुरक्षा को कारण भन्दै प्रदर्शन गर्न रोक लगाएको छ । उक्त डकुमेन्ट्रिमा चाँहि नेपाल टिस्टा, र काँगडा सम्म नेपाल फैलिएको छ र भारत ले अतिक्रमण गरेको भुभाग नेपालले पाउनुपर्ने उल्लेख छ ।

हामीले सिमा को सुरक्षा मजबुत सँग गर्नसक्यौँ भने, कुनै ले र कसैले भन्दैमा, लुम्बिनी भारत मा पर्दैन । लुम्बिनी नेपाल मा पर्छ अनि लुम्बिनीमा बुद्ध जन्मिए का भन्ने कुरा त सयौँवर्ष पुरानो "अशोक स्तम्भ" ले भनिरहेको छ । एउटा व्यवसायिक हिन्दि चलचित्र ले बुद्ध भारतमा जन्मेको भन्दैमा, यसलाई त्यति ठूलो इस्यु बनाउनु पर्छ जस्तो लाग्दैन । तर हामी यसैलाई इस्यु बनाउँछौँ भने, हामी नेपाली महामुर्ख हौँ । जो कागले कान लग्यो भनेर, काग कै पछि दौडन्छौँ ।

Dilip Acharya said...

भारतीयहरु यस्तै काममा रमाउँछन, अनी यस्तै तर्क कुतर्क गर्दा गर्दै आफ्नै ईतिहास पनि बिर्सन्छन ।

बुद्धको जन्मस्थलमा तिनकै देशका एक सम्राट (सम्राट अशोक) ले यौटा शिला स्तम्भ गाडेका छन जसमा "हिदा बुदे जाते शाक्यमुनिति ... " अर्थात 'बुद्ध यहिँ जन्मेका थीए' लेखिएको छ ।

नेपालीले भनेको वा लेखेको विश्वास नगर्ने भारतीयले उनकै देशका महा नायकले लेखेको त्यो पाली भाषाको शिलालेख एकचोटी पढुन । अब आफ्नै महानायकलाई पनि विश्वास गर्दैनन भने त त्यस्ता ठिस लाई कसले सम्झाउने ?।

प्रबिण थापा said...

समयको व्यस्थता बिच पनि मैले यो डोकुमेन्ट्री हेर्न भ्याय। नेपोलियन जि लाई धेरै धेरै धन्यवाद यसको लागि। म पूर्ण रुपमा सहमत छु , अर्चना जि सँग। यदी इतिहास को कुरा गरेको भए त्यसलाई प्रस्ट रुपमा भनिदिनु पर्थ्यो तर यहाँ त मिचाहा प्रब्रिती पो छ झुटलाई सत्य साबित गराउन। बशन्त जि ले भने झै यस्ता गम्भिर बिषयमा हामीले पनि आफ्नो तर्फबाट जती सक्दो प्रचार गर्नै पर्छ। अनी लुना जि ले भने झै यो भारतको कुनियत नै हो, विस्तारबादी सोच नै हो,अब अन्याय भोग्ने हरु को चिन्ता उर्जामा बदल्नै पर्छ यस्ता पखन्डी पनलाई नाङो पार्न
। आकर जि सँग भने म सहमत हुन सकिन किनकी यो एउटा गम्भिर बिषय हो जस्तो लाग्छ मलाई यस्ता कुरामा कसरी चुप लागेर बस्न सकिन्छ, व्यवशाय गर्नेलाई अर्काको प्रतिस्ठामा आच पुराउने स्वतन्त्रता त हुँदैन होला होइनर।

पीजी said...

इतिहासमा ब्रिटीशहरुले "एकिकरण" गरिदिनु भन्दा पहिले भारत भन्ने देश थियो र ? त्यतिबेला त थुप्रै साना राजा रजौटाहरु थिए नि त्यहा, कुनै भारत थिएन । उनीहरु पो सप्रिदै गए, हामी बिग्रदै गयौं ।

भारतीयहरुको "जेनेटिक" रोग हो जति बेला पनि नभएको कुरामा पनि माष्टर बनेर आंफुले जे होला जस्तो मान्यो त्यहि देखाइदिने । प्रोपागाण्डामा माहिर छन उनीहरु, रिक्सावाला देखि फिल्मवाला सम्म ।

Postak_Shrestha said...

भारतीयहरु त नेपाल नै भारतमा पर्छ भन्छन् भने बुद्ध भारतमा जन्मेका हुन् भन्न के गाह्रो भयो र? हाम्रो धार्मीक ग्रन्थहरुमा पनि "भारत वर्षे नेपाल खण्डे" भनिन्छ र उनीहरुले यही "भारत वर्षे" भन्ने शब्दको गलत फाईदा लिएर "नेपाल, भुटान, श्रीलंका, मालदीप्स" सबैलाई भारतको हिस्सा भनेर भनिदिनछन्। तिनीहरुले भन्दै गर्छन् र हामीले पनि प्रतिबाद गर्दै गर्न पर्छ। नेपालिएनजीको प्रयास जे होस् गूगल भरी छाएको छ।

archana said...

today i tried to find more about buddha birth.

Source: wekipidia

Conception and birth:

Siddhartha was born in Lumbini and raised in the small kingdom or principality of Kapilvastu, both of which are in modern day Nepal.


Kapilavastu is the name of an region of ancient Shakya kingdom that is considered a holy pilgrimage place for Buddhists, located close to Lumbini.

The result of years of excavation and research by numerous international teams have concluded that Kapilavastu is in Nepal and is acknowledged by UNESCO as well as the government of India.

Anonymous said...

Lumbini was a small estate with its capital at Kapilvastu. it was not part of india when the buddha was born.

Anonymous said...

No doubt that Buddha was born in Nepal but the Indians think or argue that he was born in India. Actually, the Indians teach their children or they study in their high-school history class that Budhha was born in India. I have a bitter experience with one of my very good Indian friend.

About five years back, I had a long discussion with my fellow Indian class-mate (while studying in university in United States). He started to argue with me that "Budhha was born in India" when I stated to a fellow American classmate that Budhha was born in Nepal. Just to convince him, I later googled and showed him some webpages which said that Budhha was born in Nepal. He was surprised to see that! He later on said to me that he was told since his childhood that Budhha was born in India and that's what he had studied in his history books. He was saying to me, "It is first time in 25 years of my life that somebody is arguing with me that Buddha was born in Nepal." Later on he said to me, Leave it yar, it doesn't matter to me whether he was born in India or Nepal.

I googled about buddha and found the following in a website


........"Buddha Skakyamuni was born as a royal prince in 624 BC in a place called Lumbini, which was originally in northern India but is now part of Nepal...."

....Here is some excerpts from the website:

The Buddha who is the founder of the Buddhist religion is called Buddha Shakyamuni “Shakya” is the name of the royal family into which he was born, and “Muni” means “Able One.” Buddha Skakyamuni was born as a royal prince in 624 BC in a place called Lumbini, which was originally in northern India but is now part of Nepal. His mother’s name was Queen Mayadevi and his father’s name was King Shuddhodana.

Anonymous said...

As Nepalean said, we need to educate the world by letting them know "Buddha was born in Nepal".

I think it is up to the Nepalese people around the world who should educate or spread this type of positive message in a peaceful way.

I do not think any of our Nepalese government (.. i mean the politicians who run the government)has guts to challenge their Big Brother fearing that India will topple their government. We have seen from Girija to Gyanendra and Prachanda that they do not want to deprieve from power by going against India's will. We have seen times and again since 2007's Dilli samjhauta, Koshi samjhauta, Gandaki samjhauta, Tanakpur samjhauta, 7 party's Delhi samjhauta before Janaandolan - II, and last but not the least, Prachanda's 1st official foreign country visit to India (he first visit was China but he pee his trousers later!). None of the Nepalese government do not dare to bring the official view against India not just on this Budhha's case only but on other's too.

We have seen that Nepalese politicians show their 32 jaws in Indian television and start answering in "Hindi" when the television anchor asks question in English. Why can not the politicians answer the question in Nepali (if they can not speak in english and even if they know hindi) and let the television translate it to Hindi? Knowing Hindi is good for them but to realize that they are representing Nepal should be more important! Seeing this in a National television, why would not a general Indian speculate that Nepal is part of India or Hindi is official language of Nepal?

It is up to the Nepalese people around the world who should spread the positive message about Nepal throughout the world in peaceful manner.

nepalean said...

सबैको कमेन्टको लागी धन्यबाद।
rajstyle thansk for the comment. Yes they have said birth place of buddha
and shows the word india.
Archana, it doesnt say anything about it in movie. It has said only in its introduction and you can find it in the clip.
लुना जी यस्को लागी फिल्म पुरै हेर्नु पर्दैन। बुद्दकको बारेमा त्यही क्लीपमा मात्र भनेको छ।
बसन्त जी ठिक भन्नुभयो। यस्को प्रचार बाजी हामी नेपाली जनताले नै गर्नुपर्छ। त्यसैले यो लेख र यो ट्युबको सब टाइटल अंग्रेजीमा राखेको। यु ट्युबकै
क्लीप चारैतिर बितरण गरे पनि त्यसले धेरै लाइ थाहा दिने छ। कम्तीमा ५० हजारले यु ट्युब हेरे भने पनि ५० हजारलाइ हामीले सिकाउनु जस्तै हो।
ठरकी दादा को भारतीयहरु हिटलरको "सय पटक बोले पछि झूठ पनि सहि हुन्छ भन्ने" बिचारबाट प्रेरित छन भन्ने कुरा सारै चित्त बुझ्यो।
आकार जि यो हलुंगो बिषय होइन, हाम्रो देशको प्रतीष्ठा को बिषय हो। देशको लागी जे गर्न सकिन्छ त्यही गर्नुपर्छ। यस्को रिस नेपाली फ्लिम हलमा भने पक्का पोख्नुहुदैन।
दिलीप जि सांचै हो बुद्धको जन्मस्थलमा तिनकै देशका एक सम्राट (सम्राट अशोक) ले यौटा शिला स्तम्भ गाडेका छन जसमा "हिदा बुदे जाते शाक्यमुनिति ... " अर्थात 'बुद्ध यहिँ जन्मेका थीए' लेखिएको छ ।
साथै प्रबिण जि, पाण्डा जी र पोस्टक जि हरुको कमेन्टसंग पनि सहमत छु।
Himal pari I was involved in same kind of situation with one of my Indian friend. He told me the same, his school history books taught the same.
No wonder every indian thinks the same. सरकार मात्रै होइन शिक्षाबिद पनि लाज पचेका रहेछन।
सबैले यो यो यु ट्युबको क्लीप सके सम्म फैलाऔं,यसैले पनि धेरैको घैटोमा घाम लगाउन सक्छ। देशको लागी जे सकिन्छ त्यही गरौं।
जय नेपाल

पीजी said...

अर्को कुरा धेरै फुर्ति लगाउने भारतिय भैयाहरुलाई "स्लमडग" फिल्मको नाम लियो भने केहि दिनलाई तर्सन्छन । अहिले भारतीयहरुको बेइज्जत गर्यो यो फिल्मले भन्ने व्यापक हल्ला छ।

अझ थपिएको एउटा प्रश्न छ किन "स्लम ब्वाए" नभनेर "स्लमडग" नाम राखियो भन्ने ! के भारतमा स्लममा बस्नेलाई "कुकुर" संग तुलना गरिन्छ !

Anonymous said...

yo nepali patra patrika le ta yesko barema chuikka pani boleka chhainan? yo issue sano bhanera ho ki dar le ho ya k ho , gajjab chha ba!!! yesma tod fod bhayo bhane chhai headline ma rakhne holan. yiniharuko patrika bikaune tarika beglai chha.

Platinum Hirachan said...

no one can delete or reject that is universal truth so Lord Buddha was born in Nepal....

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